Everyone can agree that when we buy cigars online, we miss the intimacy and personal connection that comes with shopping at your local cigar lounge. Online cigar shopping offers a slew of benefits that you won’t find at a B&M, but the experience of being greeted by a friendly face every time you walk through the door and being treated like a VIP is difficult to replicate in the online environment.
Many elements of our website are designed to provide an online equivalent to the best parts of shopping at one of our world-class B&M cigar lounges here in Albany. The VIP Membership to Scotty's Cigar Club is the digital version of what it is like to be one of our frequent customers.
We quickly build up a rapport with our loyal regulars. Conversations flow freely around the lounge and our experienced and knowledgeable staff starts to learn about them as an individual, and what in particular they really enjoy about the cigar hobby. Once those regulars have been around for a while, our staff is able to provide them with some nice perks to enhance their smoking experience. Whether it’s a “frequent buyer” wink-and-a-nudge discount on their preferred box, passing along a cigar accessory sporting their favorite brand’s logo, or holding back a stick or two of a limited release blend to make sure they don’t miss out, our staff is always looking for ways to go above and beyond for the folks who fill our lounge with smoke day in and day out.
The VIP Membership program of Scotty’s Cigar Club allows anyone who can’t shop with us in person to receive those VIP benefits while shopping with us online. We took many of the most popular elements of our lounge’s locker rental program and digitized them to provide cigar lovers all over the country with the best way to shop online.
Scotty likes to say that cigars are an affordable luxury, and he wanted to make sure that being a VIP is something a cigar lover can enjoy without breaking the bank. For just $39 per month, you too can become a VIP Member of Scotty's Cigar Club and receive benefits like exclusive access to ultra-rare limited releases, preferred membership pricing, preferred shipping rates, and more! See below for the specifics on the VIP Membership benefits and learn how to join up today!